Smugglers Pass
The northern end of the Ron Coleman Trail begins at Smugglers Pass. The name comes from El Paso’s early frontier days when cattle rustlers would drive their stolen cattle through Fusselman Canyon and cross the mountain ridge at Smuggler’s Pass on their way to Rio Grande Bosque. The canyon itself is named for Texas Ranger Charles H. Fusselman, who in 1890 was shot and killed by smugglers he was pursuing through the canyon.
The trailhead can be accessed from the parking lot located off of the eastbound side of Transmountain Road. Early on, the trail hikers will be presented with fantastic views of Fusselman Canyon and the Franklin Mountain range. From here the trail heads south along the ridgeline to its termination in McKelligon Canyon. Visitors who plan to hike the full extent of the trail to McKelligon Canyon must be prepared for a difficult and at times steep hike.
Activities: Hiking
Winter Hours: 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Summer Hours: 8:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.
Fee (self pay): 12 and under free, 13 and older $4
Web site:
Phone: 915-566-6441